
In the crops section, you will find articles which have helpful information about growing crops. The crops we grow are; potatoes, swedes, wheat, oats, barley and grass for silage and hay.

Fungal diseases in swede crops: identification, treatment and timing

Swede crops, known for their hardiness once established, are not immune to fungal diseases. After I have got over the hurdle of getting the swede crop germinated and past the rough leaf stage I then need to watch for fungal diseases in the crop. I find it easier to address problems if I know what

Fungal diseases in swede crops: identification, treatment and timing Read More »

one of my potatoes sprouting in the store

Using sprout inhibitors on potatoes

Sprout inhibitors are designed to delay the sprouting of potatoes, but they do not stop sprouting indefinitely. These chemicals or natural substances suppress the growth of sprouts during storage. The effectiveness and duration of sprout inhibition depend on the type of inhibitor used, the concentration applied, storage conditions, and the inherent characteristics of the potato

Using sprout inhibitors on potatoes Read More »

my field of spring oats establishing

Good establishment practices for oats

Optimal oat yields are my goal each year I sow oats. For me to achieve this goal I must start with excellent crop establishment. This involves meticulous preparation, addressing soil health, and nutrient availability, and employing strategic cultivation techniques. Soil health: the foundation of success Healthy soil, characterised by adequate drainage and structure, is fundamental.

Good establishment practices for oats Read More »

My cold store with boxes of potatoes in it

Why cold storage reigns supreme in keeping potatoes fresh

Cold storage stands as the undisputed champion in preserving the freshness and quality of potatoes, offering unmatched benefits that ensure optimal conditions for extended periods. Let me explain why cold storage is the ultimate solution for keeping potatoes fresh. 1. Temperature control In my experience, cold stores which maintain a consistent temperature range between 4

Why cold storage reigns supreme in keeping potatoes fresh Read More »

a reseeded grass field

Reseeding grassland: how and when to do it

Reseeding grassland is a fundamental aspect of farming, essential for productive pastures and sustaining livestock feed production. In this guide, I delve into the main considerations and best practices for this process, focusing on traditional methods and optimal timing. The traditional way to reseed grassland in the UK Preparation and Assessment: Before beginning the reseeding

Reseeding grassland: how and when to do it Read More »

my seed potatoes with seed dressing on them

The pros and cons of using potato seed dressings

Adding a seed dressing or treatment to seed potatoes before planting can significantly impact their growth and yield. In this article, I delve into the pros and cons of using potato seed dressings, along with common names of seed dressings used in potato growing. I have witnessed the positive effects of using a seed treatment

The pros and cons of using potato seed dressings Read More »

barley growing in a field

Nutrient requirements and pH levels for growing barley

Barley, a versatile cereal grain, serves as a staple food and plays a significant role in various industries, including brewing and animal feed production. To ensure robust growth and maximum yield, getting your nutrient requirements and pH levels for barley near to optimum is essential. It goes without saying, that you will need to do

Nutrient requirements and pH levels for growing barley Read More »

a potato affected by late blight fungus

The top 5 fungal diseases in UK potatoes

Potatoes are susceptible to a lot of fungal infections, threatening crop yields and profits. Understanding the causes and treatments of these diseases is crucial for growers. From environmental factors to effective control methods, this guide provides insights into combating fungal infections in potatoes, ensuring healthier crops and sustainable farming practices. In the UK, the top

The top 5 fungal diseases in UK potatoes Read More »

a rabbit eaten swede plant

9 tips to protect young swede plants from rabbits

Rabbits can pose a significant threat to young swede plants, often munching on tender leaves and stems, jeopardising the success of your crop. However, with proactive measures, you can effectively deter rabbits and safeguard your swede patch. Here are practical strategies to combat rabbit damage: 1. Physical barriers Erect electric fencing around swede fields using

9 tips to protect young swede plants from rabbits Read More »

barley growing in our field

Choosing the ideal sowing rate for barley

The ideal sowing rate for barley typically ranges between 100 to 200 kilograms per hectare (kg/ha), depending on various factors such as soil type, climate, barley variety, and desired yield. In optimal conditions, a sowing rate of around 150 kg/ha is commonly recommended for most barley varieties. However, it’s essential to adjust the sowing rate

Choosing the ideal sowing rate for barley Read More »

swedes growing well in my field

Optimising Soil pH for Successful Swede Cultivation

Swedes, called rutabagas in America or turnips in the UK, are nutritious root vegetables prized for their taste and adaptability to various climates. Achieving the right soil pH is important for successful swede cultivation. In this article, we’ll explore the significance of soil pH for swede crops and methods for optimising pH levels in the

Optimising Soil pH for Successful Swede Cultivation Read More »

swedes before bolting

When Do Swedes Bolt?

Swedes, commonly referred to as turnips in the UK, are versatile root vegetables prized for their sweet and earthy flavour profile. However, one of the challenges in swede cultivation is the occurrence of bolting, particularly during the spring months in the second year. This article delves into the intricate process of bolting in swedes, focusing

When Do Swedes Bolt? Read More »

Our 1530 Combine harvesting spring oats in September 2023

Combine Techniques and Adjustments For Harvesting Oats

Harvesting oats involves combining specific techniques and adjustments to achieve the best possible yield and quality. Oats, a widely consumed cereal grain valued for its adaptability and nutritional content, require careful attention to detail during harvesting. In this guide, we will examine the essential strategies for successful oat harvesting. From timing and equipment selection to

Combine Techniques and Adjustments For Harvesting Oats Read More »

our field of oats grown in 2023

Monitoring Oat Growth and Development

Monitoring oat growth is essential for achieving the best yields and quality in oat production. By understanding the key stages of oat growth and using effective monitoring practices, farmers can make timely decisions about managing their crops. Here’s a detailed guide to help you monitor the growth and development of oats effectively. Germination Stage: Seedling

Monitoring Oat Growth and Development Read More »

our field of winter wheat at tillering stage

Understanding the Growing Stages of Wheat

Wheat, a vital crop in fields across the globe, undergoes a remarkable journey from seed to harvest. Understanding how wheat grows is essential for farmers to nurture healthy crops and ensure a fruitful harvest. In this guide, we’ll explore the straightforward yet fascinating stages of wheat growth, shedding light on the key milestones that drive

Understanding the Growing Stages of Wheat Read More »

my Hardi sprayer

Ensuring Safe Chemical Pesticide Application in Potato Farming

In the world of potato farming, chemical pesticides stand as vital tools in the battle against pests that threaten crop health and yield. However, with this reliance comes the critical need for safe and responsible pesticide application practices. This article aims to explore the essential safety considerations for potato farmers engaged in chemical pesticide spraying.

Ensuring Safe Chemical Pesticide Application in Potato Farming Read More »

rhynchosporium in barley

Rhynchosporium: An Introduction for New Cereal Growers

In the intricate world of cereal production, the threat of diseases looms large, posing significant challenges to crop health and productivity. Among the myriad of diseases that afflict cereal crops, Rhynchosporium stands out as a formidable adversary, capable of wreaking havoc on fields and diminishing yields if left unchecked. In this article, we delve into

Rhynchosporium: An Introduction for New Cereal Growers Read More »

A field of our winter wheat a few weeks after sowing

How to Choose Between Sowing Spring or Winter Barley: points to consider

When it comes to choosing between sowing spring or winter barley, there are several factors to consider. Both types of barley have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, and the decision ultimately comes down to your weather and soil conditions. One of the main differences between spring and winter barley is their growing season. Winter

How to Choose Between Sowing Spring or Winter Barley: points to consider Read More »

a self propelled swede harvester

Swede Crop Harvesting: From Traditional Methods to Modern Machinery

Swede crops, known for their versatility and nutritional value, are a staple in agriculture across various regions. Harvesting swedes efficiently is crucial for maintaining crop quality and maximizing yields. In this article, we explore the different methods of swede crop harvesting, ranging from traditional manual techniques to modern mechanical solutions. Manual Harvesting Techniques Traditionally, swedes

Swede Crop Harvesting: From Traditional Methods to Modern Machinery Read More »

a trailer full of freshly harvested swedes

Fodder Beet vs Swedes: A Comparison of Nutritional Value and Feeding Efficiency

Fodder beet and swedes are two popular forage crops that farmers often grow to feed their livestock during the winter months. Both crops are high in nutritional value and provide an excellent source of feed for sheep and cattle. However, there are some differences between the two crops that farmers need to be aware of

Fodder Beet vs Swedes: A Comparison of Nutritional Value and Feeding Efficiency Read More »

a field of winter wheat with frost on the leaves

At What Temperature Do Farm Crops Stop Growing During Winter?

Understanding the temperature thresholds at which agricultural crops cease growth during winter is crucial for farmers. This knowledge is vital for planning and managing crop cycles, particularly in regions with cold winters. Although the UK does not have extremely low winter temperatures, it does experience frost. This article explores the various temperature points at which

At What Temperature Do Farm Crops Stop Growing During Winter? Read More »

blackgrass in cereals

Win the War Against Blackgrass: Expert Tips for Cereal Crop Success

Effective management of blackgrass in cereal crops hinges on a deep understanding of the weed’s biology and employing efficient stubble management techniques. Blackgrass In Cereals Blackgrass is a type of weed commonly found in cereal crops. It’s problematic because it competes with crops for resources like nutrients, light, and water. This competition can significantly reduce

Win the War Against Blackgrass: Expert Tips for Cereal Crop Success Read More »

a field of grass for hay which is overgrown and gone to seed

Soil Testing for Grassland Management

Soil testing is a crucial aspect of grassland management, as it provides valuable insights into the health and fertility of your soil. A comprehensive understanding of your soil’s nutrient levels and pH allows you to make informed decisions about fertilizer applications and other management practices. This article will guide you through the process of soil

Soil Testing for Grassland Management Read More »

a sprouting Kerrs Pink potato

What Temperature Do Potatoes Sprout At?

Temperature plays a critical role in the life cycle of a potato, especially during the sprouting stage. Understanding the temperature ranges at which potatoes sprout can significantly impact your growing success. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various stages of potato sprouting and how temperature influences each stage. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be

What Temperature Do Potatoes Sprout At? Read More »

rushes decomposing after spraying with MCPA on a grass field

How Long Do Rushes Take To Decompose?

Introduction Rushes, those grass-like plants often found near water bodies, serve a dual role in the environment. They provide valuable habitat to wildlife and contribute positively to various ecosystems. However, on farmland, they may become a nuisance, reducing productivity and hindering agricultural processes. The challenge of managing rushes presents farmers with a complex task that

How Long Do Rushes Take To Decompose? Read More »

slug eating vegetable crop leaves

How to Remove Slugs from Agricultural Vegetable Crops

Slugs pose a significant challenge to agricultural vegetable crops worldwide, impacting both crop yield and quality. Their nocturnal habits and preference for humid, cool environments make them especially troublesome for farmers. This article explores various large-scale strategies for slug control and prevention, focusing on both organic and chemical methods. Understanding Slugs Slugs, land-living molluscs, are

How to Remove Slugs from Agricultural Vegetable Crops Read More »

frost on a tree in a field

Can Potatoes Be Planted Outside In Europe After July? beating the frost dates

Potatoes, a dietary staple in many parts of the world, have a rich history in European agriculture, with the continent serving as the primary site for the crop’s expansion following its introduction from the Americas. Cultivating potatoes in Europe is feasible, but farmers must take into account the specific climatic conditions of their regions, particularly

Can Potatoes Be Planted Outside In Europe After July? beating the frost dates Read More »

digging potatoes with a garden fork

Digging Potatoes with a Garden Fork: A Step-by-Step Guide

Digging potatoes is a rewarding task for any gardener. The thrill of unearthing those hidden treasures beneath the soil is a delight to both experienced and novice potato growers alike. One effective and traditional method of harvesting potatoes is using a garden fork. This article will guide you through the process of digging potatoes with

Digging Potatoes with a Garden Fork: A Step-by-Step Guide Read More »

sprouting potato

Etheylene Gas and Sprouting Potatoes

Ethylene is a natural plant hormone that plays a significant role in the ripening and senescence (ageing) of fruits and vegetables. While it has positive effects on the ripening of some fruits, it can have adverse consequences when it comes to storing certain produce, including potatoes. Ethylene and Sprouting Ethylene acts as a signaling molecule

Etheylene Gas and Sprouting Potatoes Read More »

potato tops ready to remove before harvest

How To Dispose Of Potato Tops At Harvest

Properly disposing of potato tops, or foliage, at harvest is crucial for maintaining a healthy plot and minimising the risk of disease transmission. In this article, we’ll explore essential guidelines for disposing of potato tops. By following these methods you can effectively manage the tops and contribute to a thriving environment. Ways to remove the

How To Dispose Of Potato Tops At Harvest Read More »

seed potatoes in a bag

Understanding Seed Potatoes: classification, certification and quality

Embarking on the journey of growing your own vegetables can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. If you’re planning to grow potatoes, understanding seed potatoes certification is crucial. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of seed potatoes, exploring their qualifications, the seed grading system used in the United Kingdom, and why

Understanding Seed Potatoes: classification, certification and quality Read More »

heritage variety potatoes arran victory and british queens in a bag after harvest

What Are Heirloom Potatoes: are heritage varieties similar?

Heirloom potatoes, are traditional potato varieties that have been preserved and passed down through generations. They offer unique flavors, appearances, and a connection to the culinary heritage of different countries. Unlike modern commercial potato varieties, heirloom potatoes maintain their historical significance and provide a glimpse into the traditional cultivation practices of the past. In this

What Are Heirloom Potatoes: are heritage varieties similar? Read More »

a howard rotavator rotavating a grass field befor ploughing

Should You Rotavate Grassland Before Ploughing? seedbed preparation for vegetable crops

If you ever wanted to plant a vegetable crop in a grass field you would think it would be simple – plough it, cultivate it, and sow the seed. But it’s not that simple, the way you prepare the land will affect the soil tilth and the weed and grass content of it. Two commonly

Should You Rotavate Grassland Before Ploughing? seedbed preparation for vegetable crops Read More »

bales of grass hay

What Is The Difference Between Hay And Straw?

When it comes to agriculture and animal husbandry, understanding the distinction between hay and straw is essential. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they refer to distinct materials with different properties and uses. In this article, we will explore the characteristics, purposes, and differences between hay and straw. Definition and Composition Hay is a

What Is The Difference Between Hay And Straw? Read More »

a field of grass for hay which is overgrown and gone to seed

The Importance of Timely Grass Cutting for Hay and Silage Production

For farmers involved in hay and silage production, the timing of grass cutting plays a vital role in determining the quality and nutritional value of the final product. Understanding the appropriate stage at which to cut the grass is crucial for maximizing yield and preserving the forage’s nutritional content. This article aims to guide farmers

The Importance of Timely Grass Cutting for Hay and Silage Production Read More »

freshly pulled swedes in a pile in the field

Swedes For Livestock: A Powerhouse Stockfeed for Livestock Health and Performance

Swedes, a root vegetable related to turnips and rutabagas, play a significant role in stockfeed due to their high nutritional value. Incorporating swedes into the diet of livestock brings diverse benefits that contribute to overall health and productivity. In this article, we will explore the nutritional value of swedes for livestock and highlight the advantages

Swedes For Livestock: A Powerhouse Stockfeed for Livestock Health and Performance Read More »

Mc Hale F550 and New Holland T6090 tractor baling in a field

Horsepower Requirements for a Round Baler: McHale F550 case study

Matching a tractor to the horsepower requirements for a round baler is crucial for optimal performance and efficiency. In this article, we will explore the McHale F550 round baler and delve into the horsepower requirements specific to this model. By understanding the significance of horsepower and its relationship to crop type and baler settings, you

Horsepower Requirements for a Round Baler: McHale F550 case study Read More »

a field of grass getting ready to make hay

How To Make High Quality Hay: 10 steps to success

Producing high-quality hay is essential for ensuring nutritious and palatable forage for livestock. To achieve this, several key factors and steps must be considered throughout the hay production process. This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to make high-quality hay, covering factors that determine hay quality and the steps you should follow to optimize

How To Make High Quality Hay: 10 steps to success Read More »

drought causing the soil to crack and crops to fail

The Effects Of Drought On Crops: vegetables and arable crops

Understanding the impact of drought on our crops is becoming increasingly essential in an era of changing climate conditions. This article aims to shed light on the damaging effects of drought on different crops, notably vegetables and arable crops, offering an in-depth understanding for growers worldwide. Understanding Drought Drought is a prolonged period of abnormally

The Effects Of Drought On Crops: vegetables and arable crops Read More »

buttercups growing in a field of grass

Eliminating Buttercups from Your Grassland: how to identify and remove for better forage crops

Buttercups (Ranunculus spp.) are bright yellow flowering plants that can quickly invade grasslands, reducing the quality and quantity of forage available for livestock. Removing buttercups is essential for promoting healthy grass growth and maintaining productive pastures. In this article, we’ll explore the best farming practices to control and eliminate buttercups from grassland. Identifying Buttercups in

Eliminating Buttercups from Your Grassland: how to identify and remove for better forage crops Read More »

massey ferguson 35x and grubber

Weeding and Ridging Potato Drills with a Tractor: using a Massey Ferguson 35x, with a Ferguson grubber and drill plough

Hello, fellow potato growers! Today, we’re diving into the world of mechanized weeding and ridging. If you’ve got a larger area of potatoes, using a tractor and specialized equipment can make the weeding and ridging process more efficient and less labor-intensive. In this article, we’ll explore how to use a Massey Ferguson 35x tractor, a

Weeding and Ridging Potato Drills with a Tractor: using a Massey Ferguson 35x, with a Ferguson grubber and drill plough Read More »

a lot of docks growing in a field of grass

At What Stage of Growth Should I Spray Docks in Grassland? A Comprehensive Guide for Farmers

Docks (Rumex spp.) are a common and persistent weed problem in grasslands, posing a threat to agricultural productivity and overall pasture quality. Knowing the right stage to spray docks is crucial in effectively controlling their growth and preventing them from taking over your grassland. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the optimal stage of

At What Stage of Growth Should I Spray Docks in Grassland? A Comprehensive Guide for Farmers Read More »

rushes in grassland sprayed with MCPA

Effective Strategies for Removing Rushes from Grassland

Rushes, often referred to as “nature’s warning sign,” can be a significant problem for grassland managers and landowners. These invasive plants thrive in wet, poorly drained soils, and their presence can reduce the productivity and quality of grasslands. Controlling rush infestations is essential for maintaining healthy grassland ecosystems, providing better forage for livestock, and promoting

Effective Strategies for Removing Rushes from Grassland Read More »

leafhopper on potato leaf

What Are Potato Leafhoppers? lifecycle, effects and control

Anyone who has tried to grow a plant will know firsthand how important it is to educate yourself about the pests that can wreak havoc on our beloved plants. Today, let’s dive into the world of potato leafhoppers, tiny insects that can cause significant damage if left unchecked. Identifying potato leafhoppers Potato leafhoppers are small,

What Are Potato Leafhoppers? lifecycle, effects and control Read More »

a potato with soft rot and white mould growing on it

Top 10 Most Common Pests And Diseases In Potatoes: the most common problems for new growers

Growing potatoes can be a rewarding experience, but it’s essential to stay vigilant and keep an eye out for the most common pests and diseases that can harm your crops. In this article, I’ll share with you the top 10 most common pests and diseases that affect potatoes, as well as some helpful tips on

Top 10 Most Common Pests And Diseases In Potatoes: the most common problems for new growers Read More »

seed potatoes in a bag

The Surprising Impact of Seed Potato Size on Your Potato Yield

Hello, fellow growers and gardening enthusiasts! Welcome back to another informative post on Today, we’re going to explore the fascinating world of seed potatoes and how their size can impact the overall yield of your potato crop. There are several factors that contribute to the final yield, and while it might seem logical that

The Surprising Impact of Seed Potato Size on Your Potato Yield Read More »

smal seed potatoes freshly dug from the soil ready to use for seed

How to Keep Seed Potatoes for Planting Next Year: tips for keeping home-grown seed

If you are an avid grower, you’ll know the importance of saving seed for the next planting season. One of the most popular vegetables to grow are potatoes. Potatoes are relatively easy to grow and can be stored for a long time in the correct conditions. However, to grow potatoes each year as efficiently as

How to Keep Seed Potatoes for Planting Next Year: tips for keeping home-grown seed Read More »

verticillium wilt on a potato plant

Managing Verticillium Wilt in Potatoes: effective strategies and prevention techniques

Verticillium wilt is a soil-borne disease that affects a wide range of crops, including potatoes. The disease is caused by the fungus Verticillium dahliae, which invades the plant’s water-conducting system, leading to wilting, stunting, and reduced yield. The fungus can survive in the soil for up to 10 years, making it difficult to manage. Fortunately,

Managing Verticillium Wilt in Potatoes: effective strategies and prevention techniques Read More »

organic potatoes growing in a field

How to Cope with Pests and Diseases in Organic Potatoes: Tips and Strategies

Organic potato farming is a sustainable and eco-friendly way to grow potatoes. However, it can be challenging to cope with pests and diseases without the use of synthetic chemicals. Organic potato farmers need to be proactive in preventing and managing pests and diseases to ensure a successful harvest. One of the most important steps in

How to Cope with Pests and Diseases in Organic Potatoes: Tips and Strategies Read More »

seed potatoes with buds in a basket ready to plant into the soil

How to Grow Organic Potatoes: A Beginner’s Guide to Cultivating Chemical-Free Spuds

Organic gardening is becoming increasingly popular as people become more conscious of the food they consume. One of the most popular vegetables to grow organically are potatoes. Potatoes are relatively easy to grow, and they are a staple in many households. Growing organic potatoes is not only good for the environment, but also good for

How to Grow Organic Potatoes: A Beginner’s Guide to Cultivating Chemical-Free Spuds Read More »

a field with freshly planted potato drills

When Should I Plant Potatoes: a helpful guide from planting to harvest

Are you thinking about growing potatoes in your garden but not sure when to plant them? The timing of planting potatoes can have a significant impact on the yield and quality of your crop. Knowing when to plant potatoes is essential to ensure a successful harvest. The best time to plant potatoes depends on several

When Should I Plant Potatoes: a helpful guide from planting to harvest Read More »

potato plants starting to grow

How Much Magnesium Do Potato Plants Need To Grow Optimally?

Magnesium is an essential nutrient for plant growth and development, and potatoes require a sufficient amount of magnesium to grow optimally. The amount of magnesium required by a potato plant can vary depending on factors such as soil type, growing conditions, and potato variety. How much magnesium do potatoes need? The amount of magnesium you

How Much Magnesium Do Potato Plants Need To Grow Optimally? Read More »

my swedes beds

Preparing Your Garden For Potatoes: what to do and when for better results

We’ve heard it all a thousand times before- preparation is the key to everything- and it is no different when it comes to preparing your garden for potatoes. Preparing your garden for potatoes The following applies if you are growing a crop of potatoes in your garden, allotment, or field. Land drainage and soil sampling

Preparing Your Garden For Potatoes: what to do and when for better results Read More »

a potato pit

Storing Potatoes Outside: how to make an amazing potato pit

The thought of storing potatoes outside long term seems strange, but this is precisely how most people kept them for centuries in their fields and gardens. The mound they created was known as a “Potato Pit”. The funny thing about potato pits is that they are excellent at storing potatoes for a long time if

Storing Potatoes Outside: how to make an amazing potato pit Read More »

fertilizing potatoes

Fertilising Potatoes: the key to big yields

If you are growing potatoes for the first time, you may be wondering if fertilising potatoes is a good idea. Like all living plants, potato plants need adequate nutrients to grow and produce large tubers. Namely, potatoes need nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, the three nutrients denoted in the NPK ratio on a bag of fertilizer.

Fertilising Potatoes: the key to big yields Read More »

potatoes growing in compost

Can I Grow Potatoes In Straight Compost: + how to increase its P and K

You may have read about growing potatoes in compost and wondered if it was really a good idea. Technically, potatoes can be grown in compost alone, but it isn’t always the best choice. Amending your soil with compost or making a potting mix with compost and soilless mix for containers may be a better choice.

Can I Grow Potatoes In Straight Compost: + how to increase its P and K Read More »

What Is Skin Set On Potatoes? an important process for storage 

Many home gardeners enjoy growing potatoes and storing them for winter use. Potatoes are both nutritional and versatile, providing the makings for many recipes. To enjoy the fruits of your labor all year long, you will need to make sure your potatoes have a good skin set and have been appropriately cured before winter storage.

What Is Skin Set On Potatoes? an important process for storage  Read More »

an image of potato tops cut off from the potato drills in a field

Can You Cut The Tops Off Potato Plants? big bulk problems

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) produce leafy tops that grow to 40 inches tall, explains the International Potato Center. The tops perform photosynthesis and manufacture energy that is stored as starch in the underground tubers. Without the tops, your potato plants cannot perform photosynthesis, and tubers will not grow. However, there are times when the tops may

Can You Cut The Tops Off Potato Plants? big bulk problems Read More »

an image of a potato cut in half showing the brown cavity of hollow heart inside

Can Potatoes Grow Too Big: why massive potatoes (tubers) should be avoided

Potatoes come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from tiny fingerlings to massive baking potatoes. The size of the mature potato tubers depends primarily on the type of potato you are growing, but other factors also affect their size. While many gardeners face the challenge of potato tubers that grow smaller than expected, sometimes

Can Potatoes Grow Too Big: why massive potatoes (tubers) should be avoided Read More »

a photo of The Colorado Potato Beetle on a potato plant

Identifying And Removing Colorado Potato Beetle From Potato Plants: 3 effective defenses!

The Colorado Potato Beetle, also known as a potato bug, is a common insect pest found primarily on potatoes in North America. This destructive insect devours the foliage (and blossoms) on potato plants and can strip them bare in a few days if action isn’t taken. Fortunately, there are ways you can keep potato bugs

Identifying And Removing Colorado Potato Beetle From Potato Plants: 3 effective defenses! Read More »

crop rotation in different sections in vegetable garden

Can I Grow Potatoes In The Same Plot Every Year? the importance of crop rotation

Growing potatoes in the home garden is a great way to provide your family with healthy and nutritious potatoes all year, but it does come with its challenges. Potatoes should not be planted in the same spot yearly and must be rotated with other crops. Find out how to rotate your potatoes and what to

Can I Grow Potatoes In The Same Plot Every Year? the importance of crop rotation Read More »

heritage variety potatoes arran victory and british queens in a bag after harvest

How To Cure Potatoes After Harvest: a step-by-step guide

Growing your potatoes in the home garden and storing them for winter is a great way to provide your family with healthy and nutritious food all year. Following the best practices for harvesting, curing, and storing potatoes is essential to your success. Find out how to cure potatoes after harvest, what curing means and how

How To Cure Potatoes After Harvest: a step-by-step guide Read More »

a field with freshly planted potato drills

The Best Soil For Potatoes: what it is and how to get it

Potatoes are easy-to-grow vegetables that will grow in nearly any soil. However, you should aim to provide the best soil for potatoes by following the steps I have outlined below. They do best in soils with a pH between 6.0 and 6.5.  Providing potatoes with good soil, adequate nutrients, and plenty of water will increase

The Best Soil For Potatoes: what it is and how to get it Read More »

potato plants falling over in a field

10 Reasons Why Your Potato Plants Have Fallen Over

Growing potatoes in your backyard or garden isn’t difficult. With proper care, you can expect to harvest two to five pounds of potatoes from each plant, depending on the variety and growing conditions. Sometimes, problems arise, like the tops of the potato plants falling over. This can happen for several reasons. Let’s look at the

10 Reasons Why Your Potato Plants Have Fallen Over Read More »

slugs and snails eating potato plants

Slugs And Snails Eating Potato Plants: identification and removal

If you have noticed chew marks on the leaves of your potatoes in the morning but can’t identify the culprit, you may have slugs and snails eating potato plants. These garden pests come out under the cover of darkness and slip out of sight when morning arrives. Look for glistening trails on the foliage as

Slugs And Snails Eating Potato Plants: identification and removal Read More »

how deep to plant potatoes

How Deep Should I Plant My Potatoes: why seed depth is important

It’s the time of year again when we begin to think about next year’s potato crop. We may have already decided where we will grow them, what variety we will plant, and how much potato fertilizer we will apply. One aspect which can make a massive difference to the speed at which our crop establishes

How Deep Should I Plant My Potatoes: why seed depth is important Read More »

Best type of swede

Which Is The Best Swede Variety To Grow? top 5 varieties characteristics

Swedes were first discovered growing in Sweden when a botanist called Gaspard Bauhin found them growing wild in 1620. This article discusses 5 popular varieties so you can decide which is the best swede variety to grow. They are also referred to as Rutabaga in US and Turnip in the UK, although they are much

Which Is The Best Swede Variety To Grow? top 5 varieties characteristics Read More »

rooster potatoes freshly dug laying on soil

Potato Variety Rooster: origin and characteristics

Rooster is the most popular potato in Ireland – In 2004 It accounted for 40% of the total potato crop grown. They are dull red-skinned, yellow-fleshed maincrop potatoes that have excellent taste and high yields. They are highly versatile- they can be boiled with skins on, mashed, chipped, roasted, steamed, and baked with very good

Potato Variety Rooster: origin and characteristics Read More »

russet norkotah potatoes

Potato Variety Russet Norkotah: origin and characteristics

The potato variety Russet Norkotah is the second most popular potato in the US. They are russeted, brown-skinned early to medium maincrop potatoes. They are very attractive potatoes with excellent processing abilities. They can be boiled and mashed but their main market is for baked potatoes or processing for French fries. Origin The Russet Norkotah

Potato Variety Russet Norkotah: origin and characteristics Read More »

red desiree potatoes

Potato Variety Desiree: origin and characteristics

Desiree is a red-skinned early maincrop potato. They are slightly waxy potatoes with a distinctive taste. They can be boiled, roasted, chipped and used cold in salads, they are versatile potatoes and are suitable for pre-packing and general ware. Origin Desiree was bred in the Netherlands in 1962. Yield and dry matter Expect high yields

Potato Variety Desiree: origin and characteristics Read More »

kerrs pink potatoes

Potato Variety Kerr’s Pinks: origin and characteristics

Kerr’s Pink are the second most popular potato in Ireland. They are mainly cooked as boiled potatoes but are good for roasting and chipping also. They are suitable for pre-packing and general ware. Origin Although thought to be an Irish-bred potato when it was introduced in 1917- it was actually J. Henry of Cornhill in

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Potato Variety Russet Burbank: origin and characteristics

Russet Burbank potatoes are one of the most popular potato varieties in the United States. They were bred by the US plant breeder Luther Burbank (Massachusetts) in 1902 in a bid to improve the disease resistance of Irish potato varieties being used at that time. Beginnings Russet Burbank potatoes were not an immediate success when

Potato Variety Russet Burbank: origin and characteristics Read More »

potato plants grown in the garden

Copper Sulphate As A Potato Blight Spray: what is it and is it good?

Blight is a common fungal disease that affects potatoes. It can destroy the entire crop in less than a week if left unattended. Unfortunately, there is little you can do to save your potatoes once they have been infected with blight. This makes prevention key to raising healthy potatoes. While the best prevention for potato blight

Copper Sulphate As A Potato Blight Spray: what is it and is it good? Read More »

blight on the leaves of a potato plant

Blight Resistant Potato Varieties: background and examples

Blight is a fungal disease that can affect tomatoes, potatoes and other members of the nightshade family. Early Blight is caused by the Alternaria solani fungus while late blight is caused by the Phytophthora infestans (p. infestans) fungus. Late Blight was responsible for the Irish Potato Famine between 1845 and 1849, destroying nearly 80 percent of Ireland’s potato crop. This

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tobacco rattle virus in potato skin

Tobacco Rattle Virus In Potatoes: 6 easy steps to prevention

Potatoes are an easy-to-grow vegetable that can be planted in the early spring as soon as the soil can be worked. They typically produce well and provide you with an abundance of tubers. While they are generally disease-free (as long as you buy certified seed potatoes) they are not immune to all diseases. Tobacco Rattle

Tobacco Rattle Virus In Potatoes: 6 easy steps to prevention Read More »