Preparation – Swedes

Discover essential swede growing preparations: soil enrichment, seed selection, and optimal planting conditions. Elevate your swede cultivation expertise.

a trailer full of freshly harvested swedes

Fodder Beet vs Swedes: A Comparison of Nutritional Value and Feeding Efficiency

Fodder beet and swedes are two popular forage crops that farmers often grow to feed their livestock during the winter months. Both crops are high in nutritional value and provide an excellent source of feed for sheep and cattle. However, there are some differences between the two crops that farmers need to be aware of […]

Fodder Beet vs Swedes: A Comparison of Nutritional Value and Feeding Efficiency Read More »

freshly pulled swedes in a pile in the field

Swedes For Livestock: A Powerhouse Stockfeed for Livestock Health and Performance

Swedes, a root vegetable related to turnips and rutabagas, play a significant role in stockfeed due to their high nutritional value. Incorporating swedes into the diet of livestock brings diverse benefits that contribute to overall health and productivity. In this article, we will explore the nutritional value of swedes for livestock and highlight the advantages

Swedes For Livestock: A Powerhouse Stockfeed for Livestock Health and Performance Read More »

a big pile of swedes sitting in a field

What Are The Differences Between Turnips and Swedes: two great root crops!

There is a lot of confusion in mainstream circles over the difference between swedes and turnips. Swedes and turnips are just different species in the brassica family. So naturally, they have similar growth patterns and shapes that make these two root crops easily confused. So let’s find out, what are the differences between turnips and

What Are The Differences Between Turnips and Swedes: two great root crops! Read More »