
Uncover the secrets of successful oat cultivation. From selecting the right oat varieties to understanding soil requirements, our articles explore the journey from planting to harvesting, offering tips for maximising yield and ensuring the health of your oat crops.

my field of spring oats establishing

Good establishment practices for oats

Optimal oat yields are my goal each year I sow oats. For me to achieve this goal I must start with excellent crop establishment. This involves meticulous preparation, addressing soil health, and nutrient availability, and employing strategic cultivation techniques. Soil health: the foundation of success Healthy soil, characterised by adequate drainage and structure, is fundamental. […]

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Our 1530 Combine harvesting spring oats in September 2023

Combine Techniques and Adjustments For Harvesting Oats

Harvesting oats involves combining specific techniques and adjustments to achieve the best possible yield and quality. Oats, a widely consumed cereal grain valued for its adaptability and nutritional content, require careful attention to detail during harvesting. In this guide, we will examine the essential strategies for successful oat harvesting. From timing and equipment selection to

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our field of oats grown in 2023

Monitoring Oat Growth and Development

Monitoring oat growth is essential for achieving the best yields and quality in oat production. By understanding the key stages of oat growth and using effective monitoring practices, farmers can make timely decisions about managing their crops. Here’s a detailed guide to help you monitor the growth and development of oats effectively. Germination Stage: Seedling

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