Potatoes are a popular vegetable. They are relatively easy to grow and produce well in average soil. How many potatoes each plant produces depends on how well their growing needs are met, the type of potato you are growing, and the weather conditions in your area.
How many potatoes grow from one seed potato?
In my experience one seed potato will grow one plant and on average one plant will produce 8 to 10 potatoes.
8 to 10 tubers equals approximately 3 to 5 pounds of potatoes. This makes enough potatoes for a family of four for one to two meals.
If you choose to cut large seed potatoes, each section must have at least two eyes — the small indentations where the tuber sprouts new growth. You may notice a tiny sprout forming from the eyes of your seed potatoes. If your seed potatoes have already sprouted, do not remove the sprouts.
Do all varieties produce the same number of potatoes?
Like other vegetables, the yield of potatoes from one plant may vary between cultivars. Information regarding each variety of potato’s expected yield can usually be found in plant descriptions in seed catalogues or online. Read the description carefully, but keep in mind that the yield listed refers to the average yield under ideal growing conditions.
Does planting distance affect the number of potatoes?
Potato plants need plenty of room for the tubers to grow. If they are planted too closely, the young tubers may not set or grow as expected, resulting in a poor yield. Planting them too close together may also cause the plants to compete for nutrients and moisture, further diminishing the yield of your potatoes.
Potatoes should be planted 12 -14 inches apart with 3 feet between rows for optimal growth and yield. The exception to the rule is if you are growing potatoes to harvest and eat as ‘new’ or baby potatoes. These can be planted closer together as the tubers will not need as much room to grow.
Does planting depth affect the number of potatoes?
Potato tubers form under the ground and need enough soil to completely cover the potato tubers. When planted in shallow soil, the tubers may become exposed to the sun and turn green as they get bigger. Green potatoes are not edible and must be discarded.
Plant your potato seed to a depth of 4 to 6 inches and ridge them up as the plants grow taller. You can ridge them with a drill plough when the plants are 8 to 10 inches tall and again when the new growth is 8 to 10 inches high.
Does soil fertility or moisture affect the number of potatoes from one seed potato?
Potatoes need both moisture and nutrients to grow well. I find it works best to apply potato fertiliser to the soil before planting your potatoes.
Some prefer to top dress potatoes with a similar fertiliser when the plants get about a foot high..
Potatoes also need consistent moisture. If you experience a prolonged dry period it may be a good idea to get out and apply water. Water them to saturate the soil to the level of the tubers and roots. Repeat whenever the ground feels dry 2 inches below the surface.
Sporadic watering (or rainfall) can cause poor yields and malformed tubers. When moisture is scarce, the tubers will grow slowly, if at all. When watering is resumed, or you get heavy rain, the tubers will begin to grow rapidly, causing them to split or become malformed.
For the best yield and well-formed potatoes, potatoes need to get water at least once a week during the summer.
Do insect pests affect the yield of potatoes?
Insect pests, particularly the Colorado Potato Beetle, can defoliate the tops of your potato plants. The plant cannot perform photosynthesis to store energy in the underground tubers when this happens. Underground growth will cease if the plant does not have enough foliage to sustain the plant, resulting in a poor yield and small potatoes.
Treat insect pests promptly to avoid problems with poor plant yields.
Does the amount of sunlight affect potato yield?
Like other plants, potato plants depend on the sun’s light to perform photosynthesis and make food for the plant. Without adequate sunlight, plant growth will be slowed, and your potato plants’ resulting yield will be poor.
Choose fields which are not heavily shaded with trees, that receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight a day. While the plants will grow in less light, the yield will be decreased. The more light they receive, the more energy they can make for growing large, healthy tubers.
Key points..
One seed potato will grow one plant which will grow 8 to 10 potatoes. Variety, soil fertility, moisture, sunlight, insect damage, disease prevention, planting depth, and distance have an effect on the number of potatoes a plant will produce. Paying attention to all these points will enable you to grow the highest number and yield of potatoes per plant.
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