Growing barley can be a rewarding experience for beginner farmers. Barley is an easy-to-grow crop that has several valuable advantages. It can be used as an animal and human food source, or as a way to protect topsoil during drought conditions.
Barley is a cereal crop that belongs to the grass family. It is a hardy crop that can grow in a wide range of soil types and climates. Barley can be grown in spring and winter, depending on the variety and the region. Spring barley is typically sown in the early spring, while winter barley is sown in the fall and harvested in the following summer.
In this article, we will provide you with step-by-step guidance on how to grow barley for beginner farmers. We will cover all aspects of growing barley, from selecting the right variety to harvesting and storing the crop. Whether you are looking to grow barley for personal consumption or as a commercial crop, this guide will provide you with all the information you need to get started.
Understanding Barley Basics
When it comes to growing barley, there are a few key basics that every beginner farmer should know. In this section, we’ll cover the different barley varieties, the growth stages of barley, and how barley compares to wheat.
Barley Varieties
There are two main types of barley: spring barley and winter barley. Spring barley is planted in the spring and harvested in the summer, while winter barley is planted in the fall and harvested in the spring. Within these two categories, there are two main varieties of barley: two-row and six-row. Two-row barley has two rows of grains on each head, while six-row barley has six rows of grains.
Barley Growth Stages
Barley goes through several developmental phases during its growth cycle. The first phase is germination, where the seed begins to sprout and grow roots. The next phase is tillering, where the plant begins to grow multiple stems from the base of the plant. After tillering, the plant enters the stem elongation phase, where the stems begin to grow taller. Finally, the plant enters the ripening phase, where the grains begin to mature and the plant is ready for harvest.
Barley vs Wheat
While barley and wheat are both cereal crops, there are some key differences between the two. Barley is generally easier to grow than wheat and can be grown in a wider range of soil types. Barley also has a shorter growing season than wheat, making it a good option for farmers who want to plant multiple crops in a single growing season. However, wheat generally yields more than barley and is more versatile in terms of its uses, such as in baking and brewing.
Pre-Planting Preparation
Before planting barley, there are several crucial steps that must be taken to ensure a successful crop. In this section, we will cover the soil requirements, selecting quality seeds, and optimal sowing date.
Soil Requirements
Barley grows best in well-drained soil with a pH between 6.0 and 7.5. It is important to test the soil before planting to determine its fertility and pH level. If the soil is too acidic, lime should be added to raise the pH level. On the other hand, if the soil is too alkaline, sulfur can be added to lower the pH level.
Soil moisture and temperature are also important factors to consider before planting. Barley requires adequate soil moisture for germination and early growth. However, excessive moisture can lead to disease and poor growth. The ideal soil temperature for planting barley is between 5°C and 10°C.
Selecting Quality Seeds
Selecting high-quality seeds is essential for a successful crop. It is important to choose seeds that are certified and free from diseases. The seed rate will depend on the variety of barley being planted and the desired plant population. Typically, a seed rate of 100-120 kg per hectare is recommended.
Optimal Sowing Date
The optimal sowing date for barley depends on the location and climate. In general, barley should be sown in the early spring when soil temperatures are between 5°C and 10°C. However, in warmer regions, barley can be sown in the winter. It is important to avoid sowing barley too early or too late as this can lead to poor growth and yield.
Land preparation is also an important step before planting. Seed-bed preparation on most soils needs to be done with as few cultivation passes as possible, so that costs are contained, weed numbers are reduced, and soil moisture is retained.
In summary, before planting barley, it is important to test the soil, select high-quality seeds, and determine the optimal sowing date. By following these steps and ensuring proper land preparation, we can increase the chances of a successful crop.
Planting Barley
When it comes to planting barley, there are a few key factors that beginner farmers need to keep in mind. In this section, we will cover the sowing techniques, row spacing and depth, and water and irrigation requirements for growing barley successfully.
Sowing Techniques
Before planting barley, it is essential to prepare the soil properly. We recommend ploughing the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches and removing any weeds or debris. Once the soil is prepared, you can begin sowing the barley seeds.
There are two main sowing techniques that you can use: broadcasting and drilling. Broadcasting involves scattering the seeds across the field by hand or using a spreader. Drilling, on the other hand, involves using a seed drill to plant the seeds in rows. We recommend using the drilling technique, as it allows for more precise seed placement and better plant population control.

Row Spacing and Depth
The spacing between rows and the depth of the seeds will depend on the variety of barley you are planting. In general, the rows should be spaced between 6 and 10 inches apart, and the seeds should be planted at a depth of around 1 to 2 inches.
It is important to ensure that the seeds are planted at the correct depth, as this will affect the plant’s ability to absorb moisture and nutrients from the soil. Planting too shallow can result in poor germination rates, while planting too deep can lead to delayed emergence and weak plants.
Water and Irrigation
Barley requires adequate moisture to grow properly. The soil should have some moisture during the germination period, which typically lasts between 7 and 10 days. After the plants have emerged, monitor the soil moisture levels, so the plants don’t suffer drought- although in the UK it is usually not an issue.
Barley Crop Management
When it comes to barley crop management, there are a few key aspects that beginner farmers should pay attention to in order to ensure a successful harvest. In this section, we will cover nutrient management, weed and pest control, as well as disease prevention.
Nutrient Management
Barley requires a balanced supply of nutrients to grow and develop properly. Soil testing is an important first step to determine the nutrient requirements of your crop. Based on the results, you may need to apply fertiliser to your soil to supplement any deficiencies. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are the primary macronutrients that barley needs, while micronutrients such as zinc, iron, and manganese are also important.
It is important to apply fertiliser at the right time and in the right amount. Over-fertilising can lead to lodging and disease issues, while under-fertilising can result in poor yields. Always follow the recommended application rates and timings, and avoid applying fertiliser during periods of drought or heavy rainfall.
Weed and Pest Control
Weeds can have a significant impact on barley yields, so effective weed control is essential. Blackgrass is a common weed that can be difficult to control, so it is important to monitor your fields regularly and take action as soon as you spot any weeds. Cultural control methods such as crop rotation and tillage can be effective, as can herbicides.

Pests such as aphids and armyworms can also cause damage to your barley crop. Early detection and action are important to prevent damage from becoming too severe. Pesticides can be effective in controlling pests, but it is important to use them responsibly and follow all safety guidelines.
Disease Prevention
Barley is susceptible to a range of diseases, including powdery mildew, net blotch, and scald. Disease prevention starts with selecting disease-resistant varieties and ensuring good crop hygiene. Crop rotation can also help to reduce disease pressure. Fungicides can be used to control disease, but it is important to use them judiciously and follow all safety guidelines.
In conclusion, effective barley crop management involves careful attention to nutrient management, weed and pest control, and disease prevention. By following best practices and monitoring your crop regularly, you can ensure a successful harvest.
Monitoring Barley Growth
As beginner farmers, it is important to monitor the growth of your barley crop to ensure that it is developing as expected. In this section, we will discuss some key aspects of monitoring barley growth, including growth tracking and adjustments, climate and weather impact, and using technology for crop monitoring.
Growth Tracking and Adjustments
To monitor the growth of your barley crop, it is important to track its progress through the key growth stages of emergence, tillering, and flowering. By doing so, you can make adjustments to your management practices as needed to ensure optimal growth and yield.
One way to track the growth of your barley crop is to use a growth stage chart, which can help you identify which growth stage your crop is in and what management practices are appropriate for that stage. For example, during the tillering stage, it is important to ensure that your crop has adequate nutrients and water to support the development of tillers.
If you notice that your crop is not developing as expected, it may be necessary to make adjustments to your management practices. For example, if you notice that your crop is not tillering as expected, you may need to adjust your fertilization or irrigation practices to ensure that your crop has the nutrients and water it needs to grow.
Climate and Weather Impact
The climate and weather can have a significant impact on the growth of your barley crop. Temperature, humidity, and rainfall can all affect the growth and development of your crop, and it is important to monitor these factors to ensure that your crop is developing as expected.
For example, frost can damage emerging barley plants, so it is important to monitor the weather and take steps to protect your crop if frost is expected. Similarly, if rainfall is below average, you may need to adjust your irrigation practices to ensure that your crop has adequate water.
Using Technology for Crop Monitoring
Advances in technology have made it easier than ever to monitor the growth of your barley crop. For example, EOSDA crop monitoring technology can provide real-time data on the growth and development of your crop, allowing you to make adjustments to your management practices as needed.
By using technology to monitor your crop, you can identify potential issues early on and take steps to address them before they become a problem. This can help you ensure that your barley crop develops as expected and yields the best possible harvest.
Harvesting and Post-Harvest
After months of hard work, it is time to harvest our barley crop. Harvesting is a crucial step in the barley production process, and it requires careful planning and execution to ensure that we get the best quality grain. In this section, we will discuss the different aspects of harvesting and post-harvest management.
Determining the Right Time to Harvest
The first step in harvesting barley is to determine the right time to harvest. The maturity of the barley plant is a critical factor in determining the right time to harvest. We must wait until the barley has reached its full maturity before we can harvest it. The best way to determine maturity is to look at the colour of the barley heads. When the heads turn golden brown, it is a sign that the barley is mature and ready for harvest. We can also check the moisture content of the grain to determine maturity. The ideal moisture content for harvesting is between 14% and 18%.
Harvesting Techniques
Once we have determined that the barley is mature, we can begin the harvesting process. There are different harvesting techniques that we can use, depending on the size of our farm and the equipment available. For small farms, we can use a sickle or scythe to cut the barley by hand. For larger farms, we can use a combine harvester, which is a machine that cuts and threshes the barley in one operation.
One of the challenges we may face during harvesting is lodging. Lodging is when the barley plants fall over due to strong winds or heavy rain. Lodging can make it difficult to harvest the barley, and it can also reduce the yield and quality of the grain. To avoid lodging, we must ensure that the barley is planted in well-drained soil and that we do not over-fertilize the crop.
Storage and Market Preparation
After harvesting, we must store the barley properly to ensure that it maintains its quality. The ideal storage conditions for barley are cool and dry. We can store the barley in a silo or grain bin, or we can bag it in moisture-proof bags. We must also ensure that the barley is free from pests and diseases.
Once the barley is stored, we can begin the market preparation process. We must clean the barley to remove any foreign matter and damaged grains. We can also test the specific weight and grain nitrogen content of the barley to determine its quality. The specific weight is a measure of the weight of the barley per unit volume, and it is an indicator of the grain’s density. The grain nitrogen content is a measure of the protein content of the grain, and it is an essential factor in determining the grain’s value.
Barley Uses and Market Opportunities
As a beginner farmer, it’s important to understand the various uses and market opportunities for barley. By doing so, we can make informed decisions about how to grow and sell our crops.
Barley in Food and Beverage
Barley is a versatile crop that has been used in food and beverage production for centuries. It is a key ingredient in beer production, providing the fermentable sugars that yeast convert into alcohol. It is also used in the production of malt, which is added to beer to give it flavour and colour.
Aside from its use in beer and malt production, barley is also used in food production. It is a nutritious grain that can be used in a variety of recipes, from soups and stews to salads and breakfast cereals.
Barley as Animal Feed
Barley is a popular crop for animal feed, particularly for livestock such as cattle, sheep, and pigs. It is a good source of energy and protein, and is often included in feed mixes to help animals gain weight and build muscle.
Barley can also be used as a forage crop, providing high-quality feed for grazing animals. It is a hardy crop that can be grown in a variety of conditions, making it a popular choice for farmers.
Economic Aspects of Growing Barley
Growing barley can be a profitable venture for beginner farmers. The crop is relatively easy to grow and requires minimal inputs, making it a cost-effective option.
In addition to its use as a food and animal feed crop, barley can also be sold for malting and brewing purposes. This can be a lucrative market, particularly for farmers who are able to produce high-quality barley that meets the strict requirements of the malting and brewing industries.
Sustainable Barley Farming Practices
As responsible farmers, we are always looking for ways to grow our crops sustainably. Barley farming is no exception, and there are several sustainable practices that we can adopt to improve soil health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the environment. In this section, we will discuss some of the most effective sustainable barley farming practices.
Crop Rotation and Soil Health
Crop rotation is a key practice in sustainable farming. By rotating crops, we can reduce soil erosion, improve soil structure, and increase organic matter. Barley is an excellent crop to include in a rotation as it is a good break crop for cereals, and it can help to reduce weed and disease pressure. When planning crop rotations, it is important to consider the nitrogen supply of the soil. Barley requires a good supply of nitrogen, and it is important to ensure that the previous crop has left enough residual nitrogen in the soil.
Organic Barley Farming
Organic barley farming is another sustainable practice that we can adopt. Organic farming practices rely on natural inputs and processes to manage pests, diseases, and soil fertility. Organic barley farming can help to reduce the environmental impact of farming by reducing the use of synthetic fertilisers and pesticides. Organic barley is also in high demand, and it can command a premium price.
Environmental Benefits
Growing barley can provide several environmental benefits. Barley is a good crop for erosion control, and it can help to reduce soil loss and improve soil health. Barley also has a lower carbon footprint than other crops, and it can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, barley is an excellent crop for wildlife, and it can provide habitat and food for birds and insects.
Sustainable farming practices are essential for the long-term health of our farms and the environment. By adopting practices such as crop rotation, adding organic matter, and erosion control, we can improve soil health, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and protect the environment.